A review by lilylanie
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters


This is an absolutely incredible book, and I am completely blown away by Sarah Waters' talent and imagination.

Despite its critical acclaim I didn't know much about this book - or even that 'fingersmith' was a term for thief, though it makes excellent sense. It's the story of two young women, both orphaned as infants, one raised among criminals, and the other more or less as a lady. A nefarious plot becomes more and more difficult to execute as the girls find a rare friendship, punctuated by moments of love and lust.

Fingersmith is one of very few novels I've read in recent years that quite literally kept me guessing throughout, and right down to the last page I couldn't be certain how it would end. And thankfully - again unlike so many novels - the end was richly satisfying with no disappointments.

Written in modern times, it also unveils aspects of 19th Century life that certainly never entered the mind of a Bronte sister.

I have two more of Waters' novels on my shelf, and I can't wait to read them.