A review by paradoxically
Cast in Ruin by Michelle Sagara


I am extraordinarily fond of this series, but at the same time I have to admit that sometimes it seems that the author is just throwing things out at the reader and hoping that it'll stick. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun and a blast to read, but it's also a little jumbled and confusing and sometimes I wish that things... well, that things hurried up a little or something. Not that I know what I want hurried up, but I'm still left feeling this way.

Part of it is probably because while we get crumbs of new information (or a good amount of new information--as in about the species that live in Elantra), we never get much in the way of answers for Kaylin. Her marks? Still mysterious. Her chosen status? There and still mysterious. The only people who might shed a little more light about the chosen stay silent about it and it's driving me up a wall.

Still, it's a fun read. Each book has a solid, contained story. The only real downside is that the continuing story, the story about Kaylin, is very slow. This is a bit difficult to fathom since all of the books take place in the span of days (this one, for instance, has a time elapse of about a week from the last book and still takes place over only a few days).

Kaylin is in Tiamaris on the insistence of Sanabalis, and she gets caught up in the deaths of several women who are all identical. Not only that, but they don't seem quite human, and there are shadows creeping along the borders. The plot of this story takes a while to warm up, and it only really gets rolling along the middle towards the end, but it's decent. The ending was, like all of the books in the series, a giant, exciting rush to the end, even if it's always a bit messy.

I like the series. I really, really do. I just wish that we get more--Kaylin actually wanting to learn how to do the things she can do (instead of somehow stumbling over it when most needed and winging it), or even just more insight into what Kaylin is. Still, the books are fun, and I do enjoy reading them. 3 stars.