A review by merlin_reads
Amid Wind & Stone by Nicole Luiken


 Gah, this series is so frustrating. The concept is brilliant but it gets lost in the presentation.

Having saved Water, Leah turns to both Air and Stone to stop Qeturah from shattering their worlds. We also meet two more of Leah's otherselves and each of their soulmates. I don't know. It just seemed more of the same of the first. Leah travels to another mirror world, Leah falls in love with one of her otherselves soulmates, Leah contemplates whether she wants to go back to Fire. I get it, Leah is devastated by the loss of Gideon. But come on, stop putting yourself in these positions.

The second installment was a little more enjoyable for me, but barely. I wasn't so confused by the worlds and the magic explanations, but everything still felt jumbled and rushed. So far, Jasper is my favorite of all of the characters. Half man/half gargoyle - how can that not be interesting.

I still hold fast to the opinion that each world should have been it's own book. For a story of this scale with all new worlds, mashing them all together just made everything seem convoluted. I will read the final one because I'm just curious as to how this all ends and we finally get to meet the True World self.

I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.