A review by caseroo7
Epic Love by Trudy Stiles


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Epic Love is the third book in the Epic Fail Series by Trudy Stiles, but it can easily be read as a standalone story. Though this is the third book in the series, I had never read a book by Trudy Stiles before starting this one. While I hadn't read anything by her before, I had heard great things about her books and the blurb for Epic Love was one that immediately drew me in. This was a really great story, and I can't wait to read more from Trudy Stiles in the future.

Growing up surrounded by crime, Heath Strickland found his escape in music and his childhood friend Noelle Durand. Their friendship grew to be more, and he would have given anything to protect her. But when Noelle suddenly disappeared, Heath never stopped hoping that she would return. After time, her family and friends lost hope and began to move forward with their lives. Twelve years later, Heath is the lead singer of the band Epic Fail and is living his life, but with one phone call everything changes.

I really loved the relationship between Heath and Noelle. You could really feel the connection between them, and I loved the fact that we got to see their history as well as the present. Getting to see their past really added to the story, and a lot of that was getting to see the growth between them over time. Both Noelle and Heath were likable characters, and they just felt so genuine and real to me. They definitely brought out the feels though, and their story was an emotional one.

I will say that there were a few things that kept this one from being a five star read for me, with the main one being the fact that there were some things that were a bit far fetched. While I did feel that some things were a bit unrealistic, I was able to still enjoy the story for what it was and I really liked the book overall. I really liked this world that Trudy Stiles has creative, and I am looking forward to going back and reading the previous books in this series. The Epic Fail series is a spin-off of the Forever Family series, and I am really looking forward to reading that series as well. I would recommend this book, especially if you are a fan of the NA genre.

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