A review by ielerol
The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer


Still enjoyable, but not quite as much to my taste as the other Heyer I've read so far. I don't know if the earlier time period made a difference, or just the fact that I listened to it on audio and kept getting confused at first about whether the narrator was saying "Mister Merriott" or "Miss de Merriott," but it took a couple chapters for me to really get into it and fully understand who was who. The way Prudence and Robin seem only to use nicknames to refer to other people didn't help, I think. Still, once I got into it I was enjoying it a lot.

Until a major plot point involves someone dying in a duel. At first I thought maybe it would be a minor plot point and was ready to be very annoyed at a death being treated so casually, but then it was a big deal and I was only slightly happier because honestly people dying in duels is not what I am reading Georgette Heyer for! I am here for chance remarks at over-the-top parties making or breaking someone's social reputation, and serious discussion of how many capes are the right number of capes to have on one's driving-coat.

On the other hand, for once a couple confess their love to each other before the last 5 pages of the book and then they interact substantially more while pretending not to be in love, and I am always here for romantic longing where people are in love, and know it, and yet circumstances are keeping them apart. 100% my favorite romantic trope.