A review by emslovestoread
Ironskin by Tina Connolly


Oh, alas and woe is me that I did not enjoy this more. I TRIED to love it. I WANTED to love it. I did not love it. In the end, I didn't even like it. I didn't care a single bit for any character. I didn't care if they lived or died, were happy or sad, or whatever. NOTHING.

I hate it when that happens, even more so when it's a book that I had such high expectations for. It's partly my fault too, for trying to push off my expectations onto a book. I took one look at that fantastic cover and thought, "Jane Eyre meets Phantom of the Opera...WIN!" There were elements of Jane Eyre present, which I thought were almost well done. (No Phantom of the Opera, but I don't subtract any points for that...the book was never billed as a retelling of PotO.)

It started out strong. I was immediately sucked into the story and couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen. I had a pretty good framework for events that needed to happen, based on Jane Eyre. With the strong start, I expected it to be fantastic all the way through. Sadly, it was not. I started losing interest about 1/3 of the way through, but I'd promised to read it and give an honest review. So I slogged on. There were many times I would have rather set it aside and not finished, but that pesky little voice kept telling me that I was obligated. So I finished.

I'm afraid that the first few chapters were the only things I liked about this one. After that, there was no connection. Jane was weak, Edward was creepy, Dorie was...well, odd is the kindest word I can think of to describe Dorie. When I started cheering for the bad guys to just come in and wipe the humans out, I knew it was over for me & this book.

With the story, it felt a little disjointed to me. Nothing quite fit. Maybe that was the point, and it's some sort of metaphor for how Jane doesn't really fit in. OOOHH. I actually quite like that idea, and if that's the case, the bravo to Ms. Connolly because it works. (and if you wanted to know, that was not sarcastic.) If it wasn't a metaphor, then it falls flat for me.

In all honesty, I felt like this a lot of the time:


And this:

In the end, it turns out that I'm just not meant for a relationship with some books. I would never say that this was poorly written, because I don't think it was. It just wasn't for me. It might be just the thing for someone else, so before deciding to never pick it up, give it a shot and see. I'd LOVE to see someone else absolutely love it, because it would just prove us all right when we say that every book has a home.

Ironskin was a 1.5 Eiffel Tower book for me, because I really did enjoy those first few chapters.

Content Advisory:
Language: Mild
Sexuality: Mild
Violence: Moderate