A review by miss_merna
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta


Saving Francesca is the second novel I’ve read by the Australian author Melina Marchetta, and just like her pervious book, I enjoyed this novel immensely. Although the plot isn’t dense or thought-provoking, it was on the other hand amusing.

A little blurb:

The novel focuses on Francesca who lives in Sydney and attends St. Sebastian’s, which has finally opened their doors to females. Francesca’s despises her life at St. Sebastian’s, but her life goes further downhill, when her mother loses her daily cheerful personality and refuses to go outside or do much of anything.

As I said the plot is not brilliant, but it is above all entertaining, simple and funny. Saving francesa kept me continuously laughing. It was adorable and sweet. It might have been cliché at times, but I didn’t find it as irritating as other cliché novels out in the YA section.

I thought most of the characters were decently developed. They all had clearly distinct personalities that set them apart, especially Francesca whose voice is very relatable.

"I want to be an adjective again.
But I’m a noun.
A nothing. A nobody. A no one."

Francesca said other similar things throughout the book, yet it didn’t aggravate me like it would have in other YA books. Francesca never asks you to feel pity for her because she has problems, or needs sympathy from other characters in the book. She instead attempts to resolve her problems and rarely gives up.

The romance was absolutely adorable/cute/sweet.

“I was born seventeen years ago,” I tell him. “Do you think people notice that I’m around?”
“I notice when you’re not. Does that count?”

In another book I would have usually gagged at the cheesy statement, but I thought it worked perfectly in this book. Numerous of the secondary characters were all very likable, particularly some of the St. Sebastian boys.

Overall, what I found very pleasing about saving Francesca is how Australian high schools are portrayed. Their depicted as multicultural which is by far very accurate. Many of the Australian school are very diverse in culture, and every culture gets along very well.

4/5 amazing stars.