A review by crimyami
The Banished of Muirwood by Jeff Wheeler


Received a copy of this book via NetGalley for a honest review.

The story sounded interesting, had the element of learning something forbidden. Going on an adventure, being exiled. Yet, for me it fell a bit flat. The idea that reading isn't allowed for girls didn't sit all that well. The Characters seemed to have enough charisma to keep me going but the current plot felt like it wasn't exactly anything special. It's a lot saving the main character Maia from being captured because everyone wants to use her for something or another. She doesn't usually save herself which feels a bit left out. I like the main character's needing help sometimes but if she has magic she should be able to use it to get herself out. That is another thing, she has to trust the medium (magic) but not let it take control of her mind at the same time. It just wasn't as thrilling as I had wished it to be, it's possible someone else may enjoy this book but it's just not my cup of tea.

The flow of the book was a bit hard to follow as well. Going from present to past, it possibly would of been easier if the past as told then going on with the present. Rather than jumping back and forth continuously.