A review by carolanncdematos
Ripening Seed by Roger Senhouse, Colette


I am still able to vividly remember my first brushes with love. I remember the awkwardness, the pain, the confusion and the uncontrollable desires – as I am sure most individuals can. First love and the first flurried awakenings of passion is something that all feel – no matter age, gender or generation. To float through the pages of Colette’s ‘Ripening Seed’ is to revisit this time in life, except with a great deal more beauty and poetry. The reader is able to easily relate to her budding young lovers and see themselves – youthful again – in their eyes.

The premise of the story is thus – Philippe and Vinca, 16 and 15 respectively, have grown up together and loved each other all their lives albeit in what is arguably a very innocent and childlike fashion. However, as the young couple experience the aging and growth of both body and mind, their feelings and desires begin to change and mature – as they are.

Vinca is the more quiet of the pair. She is younger, less ambitious, more apt to listening to her elders, more patient, and has given her young heart – in every sense of the word – to Philippe. She perseveres through Philippe’s moods and growing pains with grace and acceptance; for even through Philippe’s changeable mien, she is just pleased to have him near. READ MORE

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