A review by cerizeseries
Death Comes as the End by Agatha Christie


What a story! It was quite hard for me in the beginning since the Egyptian names are hard to pronounce - and there were so many characters! Anyway, I like the fact that there are so many things going on at once like: The quarreling wives of Sobek and Yahmose and Imhotep bringing a new, beautiful, smart and bitchy concubine who everybody dislikes and Henet, god I hate this woman. Henet is like that Maester in Game of Thrones that pretends to be old and frail but still has time to have sex with sexy, pretty, young women and goes on following orders to who he thinks is the most powerful (in this case, Imhotep) and would leave them immediately if he found someone higher.

But when Satipy died I knew immediately who's the murderer. People who play meek and slow are very dangerous people. Stupid people too are dangerous. Poor Esa who is very careful still died, and get this, she died with a salve. A SALVE. Apparently, wanting your aching muscles to be relieved is a deadly thing.

What puzzles me is, why Henet sent Renisenb at the tomb. She knows that Yahmose did it but how does she know that Yahmose would be there that time?? And why was Imhotep acting like he suddenly has full blown alzheimer's??

But Hori, ah, I love Hori. And Renisenb picked him over Kameni! I was like, GIRL KISS HIM ALREADY. HE'S HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YOU BUT HE DOESN'T WANT TO SHOW IT UNLIKE KAMENI WHO SINGS THOSE SONGS EVERY TIME YOU'RE AROUND. Made me smile in the end to be honest.