A review by nicki_in_nz
The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt


I have to admit, I really ended up struggling with this book. I absolutely loved it to start with. It was beautiful. I could almost feel and smell the late 19th century. But I don't know much about that period, and I got completely bogged down with all the desciptions and the detail of all the different movements. I stopped at about page 260 and it took me months to get going again.

For me, the book never picked up after that pause. I still struggled with the history (and I love historical fiction), and the pure detail. I tend to imagine books as I read and I just couldn't do that with this. I nearly gave up but not quite - hence the 3 stars. It deserves more, and in places it was certainly worth 5 stars, but it was just too arty and too dry in places for me.

Maybe if it had concentrated a little more on the characters I wouldn't have got so stuck. Maybe if there had been fewer factual-type sections about all the different movements it would have flowed better. Maybe if I know more about the period and all the arts and crafts I would have loved it more. I'm rather sad I didn't.