A review by sonja_ahrb
Elastic Heart by Mary Catherine Gebhard


I wanted to read Elastic Heart as soon as I saw that Ms. Gebhard wrote it and the synopsis made me want to read it even more! It's unique and weird at times, but not a bad weird, just weird weird. Despite all that, though, I'm glad I read it and it was completely worth it!

Law might have a first name, but to Nami and me, he'll always be Law. I pretty much liked him instantly - he was funny, amusing, and very determined. Law is sweet, patient, and understanding - he is just one of the good guys. He's not perfect, of course, he has his flaws and he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, but I loved him anyway and I know you will too!

Nami is a little crazy, maybe even a lot crazy, but I can't blame her for the way she is and I really admire and respect her. She's been through so much and she's strong, rough, fierce, and she's a fighter. Nami is really just amazing - first because of her strength and most importantly because after all she's gone through - she still has a good heart and soul.

Elastic Heart isn't an easy or particularly enjoyable read and there were some times where I wondered what would be the point of reading it for other people if they weren't already fans of Ms. Gebhard if I couldn't say that I enjoyed or loved it. I can't say for sure when everything changed and those doubts went away, but I can honestly say that they did. They went away because I realized all the weirdness, the occasional feeling like I was seeing an old over-dramatized film, the cringeworthy moments, and the pain served a purpose and gave way to something bigger. Elastic Heart might be heartbreaking, sob-worthy, and horrifying, but it's also so beautiful and full of wisdom and depth that it definitely makes it worth reading!

Elastic Heart is a standalone, it's told only from Nami's POV, and Nami and Law are living out their beautiful happily-ever-after!

~ Sonja, 4.5 Stars