A review by eduardtatomir
Ten by Gretchen McNeil


Ehh...(No Spoilers)

It was...okay. I can't say it was bad, but it wasn't heart-pumping amazing either. A few moments had me by the ropes, but most of the book was just average at best.

It was true what people said, that I would never guess who the killer is because that was a total shock that the author knew no one would ever guess that person. But it seemed that this whole story centered around this Homecoming thing and honestly, I got so sick of hearing about Minnie's love for T.J. and what Meg did to him at Homecoming and blah blah blah.

This book was clearly meant for 8th graders in the way that it's written and the storyline on the book. Sadly, I'm in the 11th grade, thinking this would be a short and enjoyable read. I had to stop reading for about a month because it lost my interest for moment there, then when I really got into it, took my 2-3 days to finish.

Overall, interesting story, done before many times. Many, many times. Cool little murder mystery for a short vacation or something, won't blow your mind or anything. Enjoy.