A review by questingthroughpages
The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons


2.5 stars
Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for providing a free eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Anahrod is believed to be dead, instead she is hiding in the jungles of the Deep. When the local warlord tries to capture her she is saved by an adventuring group, but her past catch up to her and the group of misfits need her help to steal from a dragon who wants her dead.

I have mixed feelings about this book. There were times when I felt the plot was too fast paced and other times when it was too slow. Something I really liked was the world building and the author’s creativity.
This wotld has so much potential, but it still didn’t meet my expectations. My biggest criticism is that I did not connect with the characters. We are introduced to too many characters at once, which not only confused me but also made it difficult to get to know them individually. Compelling characters are really important to me, so when the characters are lacking, I also lose interest in the plot.
There were times when I wanted to DNF, but the story was engaging enough for me to finish the book.

Overall, I liked the world, and I can understand how some people will like this book, but I also can’t say I’m not disappointed.