A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires by Molly Harper


Oh Molly Harper! She has a way of writing such witty, laugh out loud stories that I should know better than to have any food or beverage on hand when I pick up one of her books!

Iris Scanlon is a vampire concierge. That means she handles all the vampires needs that can't be done during their night time hours (for those that read the last Jane Jameson book, you might recognize Iris as the wedding planner). She's used to seeing all sorts of strange things. But she wasn't quite prepared to find her latest client, Cal, bleeding out in his kitchen from drinking poisoned blood or suddenly having a vampire house guest. But Cal needs her to be his daytime eyes and ears and he tries to figure out who on the vampire council is trying to kill him.

I really enjoyed Cal and Iris' story. Anytime a book starts with someone standing in the aisle at Wal Mart trying to pick out lube for someone, I have to keep going and find out what else will happen. The dialogue between Iris and Cal was witty, sarcastic and downright hysterical. They both seemed to thrive off of the verbal sparring matches and made it an absolute pleasure to "watch" them build that sparring into a relationship.

Jane, Gabriel, Andrea and Dick all make small appearances in the story, which helped to tie the two series together.

If you need something to read that will put a smile on your face and, at times, have you laughing out loud, this is definitely one you should pick up.