A review by songwind
Sin Eater by Mike Shel


This is a more ambitious follow-up to [b:Aching God|38769599|Aching God (Iconoclasts, #1)|Mike Shel|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1533664812l/38769599._SX50_.jpg|60351832], which I enjoyed immensely.

The more ambitious scope, and expansion of the points of view allowed for a more involved story line, but took away some of the intimate feel of the first book. Shel attempted to recapture some of that, but it didn't feel as successful.

I liked the plot of this book a lot. It takes many of the questions that stories of gods and devils have always prompted in me and runs with them.

I found the climax of the story a bit of an anticlimax, and a bit info-dumpy. But not to a sufficient degree that it prevented me from enjoying it.

I look forward to seeing where the series goes next.