A review by 100pagesaday
Journeys by Jeanne Roland


Since the death of her mother and brother, fifteen year old Marieke has helped her father make arrows as a fletcher in 14th Century Belgium. An accident with a mule has scarred her face and Marieke knows her prospects for marriage are low. Marieke begins dressing in her brother's clothes and putting more effort into fletching. After a trip to her father's former guild, St. Sebastian's, Marieke becomes obsessed with the Journeys. Twelve Journeys are the top archers in the area and compete for six spots in the guild. However, Marieke and her father's visit proves dangerous as a guild member finds her father and causes Marieke to flee. Marieke shears her hair, and in her brother's clothes becomes Marek. She makes her way to St. Sebastian's where she is found huddled outside the entrance. Marek initially taunted, but Journey Tristan makes Marek his squire. No girls are allowed at St. Sebastian's, so Marek embraces being a boy and attempts to be the best squire he can be and get is determined to get Tristan through all three levels of the competition. Tristan treats Marek as a little brother, but complications arise with Marek living among twelve Journeys and their squires. As their friendship grows, Tristan even helps Marek look into the mystery of his father; but how long can Marek live as a boy and keep a secret from the people he now calls family?

I was absolutely taken with Journeys! I could not put this book down and constantly needed to know what would happen next. Journeys is an atmospheric, heartfelt and intense historical fiction set in Medieval Belgium. I was enthralled with everything archery from fletching to form and butts to clouts. I loved the camaraderie of the Journeys and squires even among the competition. I knew I would love Marieke from the beginning, she was strong willed, outspoken and determined. All of the characters were strongly written, even with twelve different Journeys and their squires to keep track of. I liked that Marieke was true to a fifteen year old girl; she made mistakes, ran her mouth and desperately wanted to do what she loved. I was amazed that Marieke was able to embrace her identity as Marek and enjoyed seeing Marek grow, learn and forge new relationships with the brotherhood of the Journeys and squires. Within her role, Marek was able to form a new family for herself. Marek's relationships with Tristan, Taran and some of the squires were the most interesting aspects to explore. Her opinions grew and changed and she got to know them and decided how she would use her time at St. Sebastian's. The mystery of Marieke's father was compelling and was kept as an undercurrent throughout the entire story. This keeps Marek at St. Sebastian's and hidden as a boy as well as fuels Marek's need to get Tristan through the competitions. I couldn't believe the action packed ending and want to dive into the next book as soon as it is out!

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.