A review by gabs_myfullbookshelf
Agartha's Castaway - Book 2 by Chrissy Peebles


This was what I was hoping for; a quick and easy read. However, I had problems with it. Mostly, the fact that they have just been chased by man eating spiders, and none of them seems to be even slightly tramautized at all. Half of the story is them cracking jokes (even when they find prints in the sand belonging to a predator who could totally kill them. They think it is a giant bird, so they joke about getting Colonel Sanders....WHAT!!! If I had giant, man-eating bird tracks in my backyard, Colonel Sanders WOULD NOT be the first thing on my mind, I can tell you that.) and fighting over who gets to date Casey. Yes. You read that right...pssh, forget about that we're on a uber-freaky island and there are MAN EATING SPIDERS and DINOSOARS...I wuv you, Casey!!!!!....no.

I like how the author writes, but I don't like how she caved in to the love triangle craze. The book would be sooooooooooooooooooo much better without it. I usually don't get annoyed by love triangles, but this book is not the right setting for one at all.

I'll be continuing the series for now, because I bught the first five books for free. I don't know if I would have continued otherwise, though.

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