A review by clairecreativecorner101
Sh**ged. Married. Annoyed. by Rosie Ramsey, Chris Ramsey


This book made me cry with laughter, as a fan of the SMA podcast I had to pick this book up and I am so glad I did :) I had also downloaded the audiobook for this and listened to it will reading along with the book.

The topics that were discussed in the books were very current issues that do affect everyone and was it was so funny seeing Rosie’s and Chris’s perspectives on them was very enjoyable to read/listen to and including the emails from the members of the public was a great addition to the book as it still made it feel like the podcast which I loved.

Overall this book was hilarious and enjoyable reading experience and I would really recommend it if you want to see a lovely couple argue/comment on the relevant topics that affects everyone. I had a stitch I was laughing so much