A review by alleskelle
Rules of Seduction by Joya Ryan


⭐️⭐️⭐️ 2.5 STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Brazens titles are perfect for a quick read, high steam and most of the time the fulfill my needs in term of romance/erotica.
Nevertheless, I must say I’m a little disappointed in my Brazen choice this month… I usually go for them when I don’t know what to read, or when I can’t determine which book I’m in the mood for… (Moody reader, here!)

I heard a lot of great things about Joya Ryan—a new author to me— and thought this quick Brazen would be the perfect opportunity to test her writing and see what she had to offer.
Despite the level of steam this book offered, this wasn’t quite the winner. I can barely give it 2.5 stars and if I had to decipher my rating, let’s say 2 stars go to the narrative style, which I liked A LOT, and the remaining 0.5 star to the general idea. The execution felt rushed and maybe the short format of this Brazen title left too little place for the details and pace I needed to appreciate this book.

At first, I must concede I was sucked right into the story.
We’re meeting this young woman, Ava, at the last step of her registration to join Serve, a notorious sex club. She just left a difficult relationship and is about to do something wild for once.

This sets the story alright, no preamble, our heroine needs sex of a certain nature and is set to get it where she can. Alright, let’s roll!
After proving to Nolan, the security hot member, that she knows what and why she’s in for, they both set up the parameters of her future encounters at the club.
Ava needs to be controlled in the bedroom, but only there, and for this she thinks only having intercourse with a complete anonymous will give her the "freedom" she seeks. *Insert eye-roll*

“I want to be consumed. In any way he wants to take me. because the minute I step out of the scene, it’s over and back to the real world.”

What follows is pretty much predictable, Nolan becomes the anonymous man she needs and at the same time develops a privileged friendship with her "in the real life". The situation grows complicated when feelings are involved and truth are revealed…

The story definitely lacked characterization and depth. Essentially, I could summarize this book by : Girl meets boy, girl fucks boy, girl have second thoughts, happy ending.
I’m sad to report it that way, but I couldn’t let myself care for any of the characters at all. I could barely picture any of them, really.
Those negative points notwithstanding, I can attest the level of hotness the author crafted here. The sex scenes were definitely scorching with a side of dirty, as BDSM elements are light. So, there is that.

Having heard good things about this author, I won’t let this first impression stop me to read her other work, notably the Reign Series

(Arc received in exchange for an honest review.)

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