A review by a_reader_obsessed
Overexposed by Megan Erickson


4 Stars

A devastating loss. A time to mourn. A chance to heal.

In an attempt to honor his sister’s memory, Levi embarks on the grand hiking adventure they had planned before her death. He’s not sure he can make it, but he’s going to try his damnedest. Not surprisingly, the trek is both more physically and emotionally taxing than he expected. However, he meets a mysterious stranger and eventually, they decide to continue their journey together.

Thad too, is using the extensive Appalachian Trail to possibly regroup, definitely to avoid the many difficult things that have plagued him of late. Despite wanting to be alone initially, he can’t resist Levi’s magnetic personality. Levi makes him feel things he’s never felt before, and he’s enthralled and scared at the same time, not sure what to do. Thad only knows he can’t let Levi go.

These two are combustible. It starts when they first meet, and it carries through their initial sexual tension and then in their hot culmination. They both have to face their demons and figure out what they want in life and with the other. Of course you know the effort’s worth it. Never fear, Erickson continues to deliver with this series, and I definitely look forward to other introduced characters getting their happy ending as well!