A review by renpuspita
Frozen by Meljean Brook


4 stars

Meljean Brook is once a hit and miss author for me. I struggled when reading her Guardian series and The Iron Duke is the first steampunk novel I read that sadly failed to make me interested. I then think that maybe Brook's books is not for me. But, I still follow her blog and FB page, because I love her humor. When there was review request for her short story, Frozen, I decide to sign up. I never hear anything back, until late August ago she emailed me the e-ARC version.

Been busy, I just have a chance to read Frozen today. And no..this is not a R-Rated version of the Disney's Frozen, and the heroine, Olivia not singing "Let It Go". Even the "Let It Go" part can be applied to the hero, Erik. Frozen is about misunderstanding between h/H with "I think he do not desire me"-and-"I'm afraid that I will hurt her"-tug and pull war between our MCs. Sprinkle with a curse that will make Erik, a frost giant, do something, something horrible to Olivia. Will not say what because it will become spoiler. But Brook have some nice warning on her site that those aspect will be a trigger for some readers. As for me? I find it okay, tho. The reason behind Erik's demeanor to Olivia is understable and like I said, misunderstanding. With big M.

Talk about frost giant, we have Norse myth here. Don't worry, the world building is pretty simple. The story told from 1st POV, that's the first from Brook's work and I find myself enjoy Olivia's voice. Just wish that I can get through what inside Erik's mind and feeling since he seems so tortured. There's some plotholes, but it's not make this one less enjoyable. For a novella, the story wrapped up nicely and I hope that someday she can make Frozen as full length novel.

And...pheeeeeewww...this is the wow-hot-hot-hooooot book by Brook I'd read. Very..titillating, and make my nose almost bleed. Just metaphor, tho, hehe :p. I also close my room door so I can read the sex scene without disruption, lol. This book is not erotica, mind you. But the sex scene between Olivia and Eric is the most erotic sex scene I'd read this year in which I will re-read it again and again. *rubbing hand gleefully*

I think, maybe I'll try to resume my Brook's reading. Read this short story restore my faith to her, and if I have time, I'll continue reading her Guardian and Iron Seas series again.

e-ARC provided by author in exchange for honest review