A review by ameserole
Together, Apart by Auriane Desombre, Jennifer Yen, Sajni Patel, Rachel Lippincott, Brittney Morris, Erin A. Craig, Natasha Preston, Bill Konigsberg, Erin Hahn


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

While still living in a pandemic, thank you COVID, I thought it was high time to dive into Together, Apart. I feel like now was way better for me instead of when I actually received the eARC. Mostly because I laughed so hard since I've basically lived through some of this already. Especially when we got to the plant chapters.

I actually took a screenshot from my phone and sent it to my sister, the plant killer. She wasn't thrilled and said that they are probably dying from my dark energy. Which may or may not be true.. but I don't go near the plants and they don't go near me. So I'm fully blaming her for killing the plants in our condo. So many plant victims.

Plus she killed my cactus.

Other than that one story, all the other ones had their own unique awkwardness and cuteness. I was actually surprised with so many characters finding a new love or friendship during this hard time. I'm sure that has actually happened throughout the world. Not for me because I barely leave the house and when I do.. I hope to never run into anyone I know because I'm on a mission. Get stuff and go back into my bubble and be safe.

Not sure what the world will be like once we can go back to being normal full time but I'm also not in a rush to do so. Thriving in the hermit life with my books.