A review by lenoreo
All I Ever Wanted: An Abbott Springs Anthology by Caisey Quinn, Marilyn Brant, Lexi Ryan, Rhonda Helms


I kept waiting to find my favourite one, but I think they were all just cute reads, but missing that extra something to make them spectacular. Maybe they were hampered by being novellas....actually, I really think that did play a significant role, b/c there just wasn't enough time to back up the emotions that each character was portraying. My enjoyment of books comes in large part from the characters, and if I'm totally honest, Alex was the only one I fell in love with.

All About Us - Alex was perfection. He had so many good qualities, and I really believed him. Sami, on the other hand...*sigh* When she was truly being herself and showcasing her love for literature and poetry, so totally loved her. But most of the time it was about her insecurities, and b/c they were focused to hardcore on the bakery, I just didn't buy it. I get that she didn't feel she fit in, but something about the execution of that just didn't work for me.

All I Need - Enjoyed the steaminess and attitude in this one, but felt like I was seriously dropped into the middle of the relationship and didn't have enough time to figure either of them out before things got swept away. Would have made a better novel so things could have been fleshed out more. And after reading the rest of the novellas in this anthology, I just became more confused about Everly and how she came to feel as she did, and the picture she painted of Kennedy was seriously awful, and then I'm supposed to like him 2 stories down??? No.

All for Love - OK, this was a sweet one, and I thought Maya was pretty adorable, but I didn't always feel the chemistry in this one, and honestly I didn't really get a good grasp on Oliver at all. He was just flat as a character.

All or Nothing - This one suffered from me feeling like Kennedy was a bad man who used a girl for sex after reading All I Need, so it took me a while to get over that and warm up to him in this one. Especially with Bree and Everly being best friends? Yeah, it just left me so confused. And holy cow does Bree go for alcohol a lot....or it just felt that way. I don't know...I enjoyed some parts, but there was an overall feeling of dissatisfaction that just tainted it for me.

So all enjoyable to some degree, but just didn't have me rooting for them as much as I expected.