A review by leah_reads
The Buried Life by Carrie Patel


*Received in exchange for an honest review*
*Thank you Angry Robot Books*


I was so, so excited for this book. During my time at Angry Robot Books, Carrie's book was one of the ones that were up for acquisitions and I backed it 100%. Having read the first five chapters I had to know more about Malone and Jane. I had to find out what was going on in Ricoletta and what the hell the project Prometheus was. Gaslight novels aren't something that I'm overly familiar with but I was hooked on Carrie's writing style and this world that she'd built. Ricoletta is a city that lives below ground level and I couldn't wait to see how this all played out.

I really enjoyed this book, the only problem I had with it was that it was a little slow. I felt like it was a little jumpy in places and I found it difficult to follow where it was all going. When things were finally revealed it started to make more sense, but it wasn't the book that I thought it was going to be. This doesn't mean it wasn't an enjoyable book. I'm definitely looking forward to reading the second. With some of the twists and turns that the ending took, it would be impossible not to. I'm intrigued to find out what happens to these characters and how things are going to play out following Prometheus.

Although I had a few issues with the book, I still found it to be a really gritty and exciting read. I loved both of the protagonists - some pretty kickass females - and I loved the fact that they were so human. They had flaws but still managed to be courageous and strong. I'm definitely intrigued for the next book. This was a lovely debut and it made for a nice easy read. I'd definitely recommend it as something a little different; a mixture of crime and steampunk, something new from Angry Robot and well worth a read!