A review by christajls
Croak by Gina Damico


Originally reviewed on Christa's Hooked on Books

Who would have thought a novel about Grim Reapers could be so delightful?

Gina Damico has created the fabulous town of Croak, a mostly isolated community where one third of America's Grim Reapers, live, sleep and work. I loved how creative this setting was. Everything about it was unqiue and catchy and the way everything, from the store to the local bar was named after death - yes some of the names were pretty cheesy but that was part of the fun! They even have there very own drink, which is said to taste like drinking desert. Sign me up for some of that!

Setting aside, what really made me fall head over heels for this book was Lex. She has some absolutely hilarious moments. Shes angry, she's stubborn and she isn't afraid to speak her mind (even if what she has to say is kind of rude). And she was perfectly paired with Driggs, her partner in death. Their personalities seem to clash yet perfectly compliment each other at the same time. I thought the dialogue of their many arguments was spot on.

One of the major sore spots for Lex, in her new found calling, is that often times when someone is murdered they (the Reapers) are able to see exactly who committed the crime but they are forbidden from interfering. Lex feels pretty strongly that they can (and should) do something about all these horrible people in the world. I thought this led to an interesting and thought provoking plot. Amongst the humour, this book was also able to raise some important questions about who should choose punishments, who gets to “play God”, and what exactly justice is. Very clever the way Gina slipped that in.

For those looking for something a little more light hearted, you're going to find plenty to enjoy within these pages. But for those who like their stories a little more complex I think there's plenty here for you as well. I think this book has a unique ability to adapt - depending on you want to get out of it. I can't wait for the sequel so I can read more about the people of Croak and see how Gina Diamaco expands on many of the obstacles Lex is faced with.