A review by soulfulsin
The Wizard of London by Mercedes Lackey

This book took me far longer to read than I would have liked thanks to problems in real life. However, I enjoyed it, for the most part. It was a little draggy, in certain aspects, and I can understand how the romance between Isabelle and Frederick seemed a bit much.

However, after I realized just what David Alderscoft had done to himself, it was hard not to feel sorry for him. Thanks to Cordelia's manipulations, he had lost the one thing that he could have prized above everything. Now the juxtaposition was clear, between Frederick and David, and why Frederick was invariably a better man for Isabelle.

I would like to see another book dealing with the Fey, not just some of the magical creatures that sporadically appear. For example, I loved Puck's appearance. Perhaps Mercedes Lackey should write a series revolving around faeries.

The ending was good. It showed how the children knew more about life than someone who had considered himself above everyone else and how a child could conquer an adult simply by reaching out. I also like how the Salamanders and other Fire Elemental creatures were simply waiting for David to return to his senses and summon them, rather than abandon him.

The notion of ice being the opposite of fire yet still being within a Fire Elemental's power to control is an interesting one. I loved the explanation of it, too, and also, the similarities, however unintentional, between Cordelia wanting to be an Ice Queen and Puck calling the children "daughters/sons of Eve/Adam" and Narnia. Maybe it was just me who saw those comparisons, however.