A review by bookstorian
Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson


Very keen to read this title after it was selected as my final book club book for the year. 

'Everyone in my family has killed someone', ironically the name of the title and the very first line of the prologue is a slow burn thriller involving the infamous Cunningham family, who also happen to find themselves at an Australian ski resort on a family reunion. 

There was a lot I really liked about this story, from the detective club rules (which were followed throughout the story), the ski resort setting as well as the breaking the fourth wall style of narration and the sections dedicated to each family member. It was clever and winding and I mostly enjoyed the journey. 

I did find there to be many layers of this story, so much so I had to go back and read key parts again to try and make sense of what was happening and I felt like I wasn't as invested with the McAuley section of the story. I'm still confused by one of the key elements of the story too . . . I also would have preferred something a bit more fast paced, it did tend to drag at times. 

Nonetheless it was a good story and always great to read a mystery style novel set in Australia! 

Similar to: 'Shiver' by Allie Reynolds and 'The Hunting Party' by Lucy Foley

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