A review by pattyfgd
An Inner Fire by Jacki Delecki


Romance, mystery, comedy and animals, you cannot go wrong with a combination like this! Jacki Delecki has started her Grayce Walter series with a bang! Grayce is an animal acupuncturist who has an ability to speak to animals and heal them. When she witnesses a fire, she meets Ewan Davis, the fire investigator. And the sparks fly..pun intended. This mismatched couple is endearing from the start. Davis is a facts man, an investigator who relies on certainties. Grayce struggles with her relationship with Davis because she does not feel comfortable revealing her abilities, and when Davis's dog Mitzi relates to Grayce, there is an inner turmoil that she needs to deal with. There are quite a few twists and turns in this mystery to find out who started the fire and why. Surprise at the end, which always makes for a good book. Lots of supporting characters, but I really liked James. James has lots of attitude and is very sure of himself. He is a true friend to Grayce, always available in her time of need. Mitzi the poodle is the star of the book for me, that pup is amazing. Man's best friend is an understatement for this dog. Lots of fun listening to this one.

Em Eldridge is an wonderful narrator. She has a full, rich voice and is able to convey feelings easily. I loved her performance.