A review by meloches
Bai Tide by Erika Mitchell


If I am being completely honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started Bai Tide and, truly, I wasn’t expecting this book to really capture my interest. I don’t read a lot of espionage thrillers and I struggle with police procedurals. Now that I have finished this book, I have to say shame on me! Bai Tide is entertaining, fast paced and completely binge worthy!

The novel opens with a bang; Bai Hsu (undercover at a fancy San Diego prep school) is hot on the trail of an unknown assailant who had been creeping around a semi-formal. Believing this person to be targeting one of the girls, Hsu becomes extra vigilant to keep them safe. As his investigation progresses and danger becomes more imminent, Hsu finds himself working with an unlikely companion and travelling to North Korea to try and get to the bottom of his case.

The first thing that stood out for me about this novel was diversity. Bai Hsu is an Asian American, newbie spy, struggling to figure out the ropes. How often do you find a character like that in a novel? In fact, I found our protagonist, Bai Hsu, to be quite the character. Charming and witty, he, at times, had me laughing out loud. I loved the break from the typical “hardened” type of spy. Hsu still has his humanity.

Aside from the characters, this one had plenty of twists and turns; I found myself gasping several times throughout my reading. Mitchell truly is a master at skillfully navigating through a text and leaving several bombshells as she goes (see what I did there? Because it’s a spy thriller).

Overall, I devoured Bai Tide and would recommend it to anyone who loves a good espionage thriller. I gave it a 4/5 stars.
The next book in the series, Take the Bai Road will be coming out July 3. I will be anxiously awaiting it!