A review by ipross
Miss Taken by Cleo Scornavacca


I honestly don't know how to rate this book. First let me say that although I began with high hopes, they were continuously dashed the further I got in to reading it. Rain and Raven are twins but they couldn't be further apart in personality. Somehow Rain gets mistaken for her sister and gets kidnapped. So far so good. Up until this point, I'm thinking this is going to be a great read, typos and punctuation errors aside. Someone as feisty as Rain, who make no excuse for cursing out her kidnappers should make this a great story. Then it starts a downhill slide.

The relationship between Rain and Dominick is an abusive one. You can pretty it up as much as you want by saying he loves her and she loves him, but at the end of the day he wants to control her, keep her from everyone not pre-approved by him and god forbid anyone touch her or give her a hug, he goes in to a violent fit and hurts people. His manhandling of Rain is another issue. The pattern quickly develops of him losing his temper, yelling, manhandling her both physically and intimately, she escapes, he apologizes, says a few sweet words and she hops back in to bed with him. Only to happen again a couple of weeks later. If this isn't a classic abusive relationship I don't know what is. It is obvious to me that Rain belongs with Tommy. Why is this not obvious to anyone else? I quickly lost interest in Rain as a heroine when she knowingly continues to go back into a obviously escalating abusive relationship.

Yet somehow no matter how many times I put this book down and told myself I was not going to finish it because of my disgust in the characters development, I kept picking it back up! And I guess it is because of that reason that I can't completely trash this book. I threw it down in disgust and exasperation no less than a dozen times only to pick it back up in the hopes that Rain has finally come to her senses. Only to be disappointed yet again when she forgives Dominick and continues with the relationship.

So here's my breakdown...
There are too many instances of a ? being used at the end of a statement that was obviously not a question. I mean do you really not know whether you're making a statement or asking a question? SOme serious editing needs to be done.

Character development? Oh Lord don't let me get started again.

Story development... you've been kidnapped by a stranger and you'd rather take your chances than contact your father because he may get over protective? Seriously? You've been been kidnapped, you have a cell phone and instead of calling 911 you text your best friend... again... SERIOUSLY?

However, I must give it to Ms. Scornavacca... her storytelling is exceptional. I was so riveted by her writing that I kept picking up and reading the book even though I disliked everything about it.

I preface my rating by stating that although I obviously did NOT like this particular book or the characters, I did enjoy Ms. Scornavacca's way with words and telling of a story. So I would DEFINATELY read future books by her