A review by bea__reads
Conspiracy by Lindsay Buroker


[first finished May 1, 2012 - yes, I am rereading these]

** I apologize for the excited feel of this review as I have just finished the book, it is late at night, and I am still in a post-Emperor's Edge state of overwhelming emotion. **

Upon finishing this book, I experienced a moment of complete insanity wherein I nearly screamed aloud at 11pm because the ending came so abruptly (downside of eBooks?) and was so unexpected that I could not handle the amount of emotion I was confronted with. Lindsay Buroker handles mystery wonderfully and she manages to blend it into the personality and perspective of Amaranthe (and her other narrators) perfectly. I honestly almost screamed at the end of this book. All in all, another wonderful addition to the Emperor's Edge series. Fast-paced, full of action, and HILARIOUS. This entire series has been full of amazing jokes and a very good amount of sarcasm. I will be anxiously awaiting the next book (read: I am waiting attentively and patiently in the shadows for her new book announcement email in a manner that Sicarius would be quite impressed by).

Now, onto some of my thoughts:

SpoilerThis book really got me thinking about the morality of liking Sicarius so much. He is someone who is willing to kill others to solve his problems (or those of individuals he cares about) and he does not seem to feel any remorse afterwards. Now, I have tried to rationalize his behavior. I have tried to tell myself that it's okay to like him because it's just a story. (If Amaranthe is okay with, why shouldn't I be?) But I know I should probably hate him and not get so excited when he acts like an actual human being towards Amaranthe. Of course, Amaranthe is going through the same struggle of morality in this book, much more prominently than in the previous books, and I think it adds a necessary element to her character. I love that she is characterized as a strong, intelligent, independent female, not someone who is going to give in to her emotions as the stereotypical female protagonist tends to be. Yes, she has emotional feelings for him, but they don't govern her actions or her mind. I feel there will be a conversation about all of this at some point during the series (in Sicarius' book probably).

To conclude my thoughts on this subject, I think I may have sensed some amount of foreshadowing in this book with Books' talk about people changing. I have been thinking about the idea of Sicarius changing ever since and I'm honestly not sure that I can see it happening...then again, Amaranthe seems to have had a profound effect on him and given /him/ hope that he might be able to live a different life in the future. That he gave Akstyr another chance in the end seems proof of this. He could easily have killed him after Sespian was free of the implant.

Aside from that, I can only rave about how much I enjoy reading Buroker's action scenes (and everything else...)!! They're very fast-paced and exciting, and I found myself gnawing on my own nails throughout this entire book, as I have with the others in this series. I can definitely understand Amaranthe's problem of trying to chew her on nails when they've already been chewed off!

This book will be sure to keep you guessing right up to the end, and as annoying as a cliffhanger ending is, it's totally worth staying up way too late to finish reading.