A review by jacieandbooks
Bound by Vijaya Bodach

Did not finish book.


I was very disappointed with this book. The synopsis had so much potential but Rebecca in my opinion isn’t a very likable person. This also is a poster book for pro-life supporters when it really didn’t need to be. I did finish it, the twist at the end of Joy being the one who set her on fire was good but then just like that Rebecca is magically over it? No way, that’s like years of therapy type stuff. And since one of the main conflicts is that she wants to get out of her home town, it was really dissatisfying that she stays. I mean that’s cute when the baby is a few days old but seriously? You’re turning down full scholarships to stay a raise the baby that isn’t yours. Not only is it not yours, it’s your sisters who cannot care for it oh and SET YOU ON FIRE. Nope, just no.