A review by isalaur
City of Champions by Chloe T. Barlow


Enjoyed this second book better than the first book...characters not so irritating and annoying (though the freaking awful mother-in-law from hell makes an appearance and again I wanted to slap her silly!)

The main characters here are Jenna, an orthopedic surgical resident and Wyatt, an NFL quarterback. The usual secrets and not telling people something for their own good trope is the plot base and of course it has the usual bite you in the ass consequences. But the characters are likable and endearing and their path to "enlightenment" is well plotted. The precipitating event kind of comes out of nowhere and the reasons behind it are pretty hastily dealt with...I'd have liked a lot more detail there...both in the way it plays out and the consequences. This is a similar complaint I had from book one. There's a big blow up with potentially HUGE repercussions but we don't really get to enjoy that part of the villains comeuppance.

I really liked the way the MCs end up getting their HEA and that was a very well done surprise.