A review by beastreader
The Waking Dark by Robin Wasserman


Seriously, someone tell me what this book is about. I picked up up for the creep factor that it sounded like it would have. Well it was creepy but not in a scary make the hair on your arms stand up creep factor. It was creepy in more of a gross way. The way that the guys saw the women in this book like they are just to be used like throw away trash was degrading and I was not impressed. In fact, I was shocked that this type of language would be in a young adult book. This is not really the best impression that we want to give to this targeted age group.

Then there is the issue that I cared nothing for any of the characters. Seriously by chapter seven I should feel something for some if not all of the characters. For example there was Jule. How am I suppose to feel sorry for her because her mom's boyfriend is a jerk. Yeah that is bad but when Jule has a nasty attitude then it is hard to find anything endearing about her. I guess I will never find out what caused all the people in Oleander to go crazy and kill each other. Not that I will miss any sleep worry and wondering about it.