A review by flijn
The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman


I was in de mood for some fantasy and picked this one because it had a promise of combining a fantasy plotline with religious imagery.
Can't say I liked it. First of, it was a little too graphic for my taste. I'm not a fan of gore. Second, the female chracters were just so very... whiney (with the exeption of one hitwoman), and the main character seems to have two emotions: determination and anger.
But it was well-written and I thought I could as well finish it, because nothing is as frustrating as not knowing how a story ends. So I continued and I could appreciate the writing (good!), the horror-esque scenes (scary!) and the convincing descriptions of fights (bloody!). Nearing the end of the book, I started to worry. Was Hoffmann really going to answer all the questions he raised (what on earth was that redeemer doing to that girl, and why?)?

No, he wasn't. This is just the start of the series. So, maybe, I will read the next volumes, because I still want to know why, what, who. But maybe I won't, because it's just not my thing.