A review by peggyemi
A Hex for Danger by Esme Addison


Wow, this was a great second installment to the Enchanted Bay Mystery series. I was pulled in right from the very beginning. This is a paranormal cozy mystery so if you are a fan of that genre you'll want to check out this series. The story is creative and engaging with magic, mermaids, and ancient mythology. Alex, the protagonist, her aunt, and her cousins are all descendants of mermaids and live in the town of Bellamy Bay, near the ocean. As part of the town festival, Neve Ryland, a mural artist, is invited to paint and unveil a mural. Shortly after the unveiling, Neve is found murdered. Alex is once again in the position of having to help a family member who is wrongfully suspected of the murder. As she begins to investigate, Alex discovers that there are odd global occurrences tied to Neve and ancient mythological weapons. Added to that are another murder and several powerful wealthy men who provide Alex with a good pool of suspects. As Alex comes closer to the truth she puts herself in danger until all is revealed in a dramatic climax.

This book had me captivated. The story is well-written and it is obvious that the author has done a lot of research into various aspects of the storyline. This series is intriguing to me and hits all the right notes for what I love in a paranormal cozy. I will definitely be returning to Bellamy Bay to see what Ms. Addison has in store next.

I voluntarily read a digital advanced reader copy provided to me by the publisher, Crooked Lane Books, through NetGalley.