A review by amyotheramy
The Hound by H.P. Lovecraft


ICK!!! It was necessary to the tale, but let me just say I never would have conceived of grave robbing as a fetish hobby on my own. (Also, I unfortunately read this story at breakfast. Not something I recommend.) After that opening, I was cheering on the hound, in spite of its obvious evil. (Random Lovecraft note: First mention of the Necronomicon, I believe, although it's author is named as Abdul Alhazred, who is first mentioned (I think) in [b:The Nameless City|6505012|The Nameless City|H.P. Lovecraft|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1339024496s/6505012.jpg|6696595].)

(Moved 2016 review to the individual work Sept. 2017 to make room to review the collection under its own entry.)