A review by thepiqht
The Chaos of Longing by K.Y. Robinson


3.5 stars + received from 'read now' of netgalley.

As all poetry collections are, each poem in The Chaos of Longing was either a marvel, a flick of the page or a disappointment. I have yet to find a collection that isn't like this, but there have definitely been a few that I was able to relate to a little more because honestly, that's what a lot of poetry comes down to. Whether you understand it and to a greater extent, whether it's relatable enough to make you feel something.

For example, this resonates with me but to others it might simply be lines and that's alright.

there are days
you'll wish
to un-breathe
every breath,

Of course, even if you don't relate to a poem it is still possible to enjoy it or appreciate the language that has been used. There's no denying that there are some very clever lines in here but there too few and they're too far apart to truly label this collection as 'clever'. It was a short and enjoyable read though, especially if you focus on the poems that speak to you. Among a couple of others, I particularly like this line:

you hide more
than your bones
when you're inside of me.

Recommended to: people who enjoy reading about sexuality, sensuality and love. those who read books because of the cover. anyone who enjoys poetry (it might be your thing).