A review by curiosityandconfession
Soul Marked by Lissa Bolts


I have said it before I think this series should be a movie. I would love to see everything unfold on screen. When I think of Cora the familiar I get she so ugly she is cute vibes, like Dobby from Harry Potter. My favorite characters area toss up between Callie and Nora. I love the way Callie thinks and her alpha energy with her pack. As for Nora one minute I am agreeing with her actions and the next I’m thinking I would’ve done things differently. Over all she has a kind heart, she just wants her life back. I was lucky enough to be able to read both books back to back and would recommend anyone to grab them both. Lissa Bolts is easily one of my top three favorite authors. I was lucky enough to grab a ARC of this book, but in no way does this change my review. If you love witches, wolves, vampires and magic you will love this book.