A review by kenza_ysfi
Children of the Dark by Jonathan Janz


I am glad I picked up this book when I was in mood for a scary story! I enjoyed most of it.

The writing is beautiful, simple and fluid.
At the beginning, dialogue takes over and there aren't too many descriptions and details and I really appreciate that. I don't need details about the school structure or unnecessary information about baseball.
As the story goes on, there are more descriptions because the scenes and events happening aren't common. You don't meet a murderer or a scary fantastical creature every day... And once again, the author did a great job with describing the places, the creatures, and people. Not too much but just enough to get a clear image in your mind.

The main character, Will Burgess, is such a well-written and well developed character. He has this compassionate personality we get a glimpse of in the first chapter and it just never leaves him. His decisions follow it so well, it seems realistic!

Generally, I liked the story. It was fast-paced and it leaves you wanting more. I read more than 200 pages on the first day and didn't feel it at all! The tension and horror are present and they do not disappoint.

What takes away one star off the rating and doesn't make the reading experience perfect are the last chapters. Somehow, the events started to feel repetitive and having predicted most of what would happen, I read for the sake of completing the book and not enjoying it. I think the last chapters (excluding the last one) could've been a lot better!