A review by lolagreen
Eternals by Neil Gaiman


I'm not an avid graphic novel reader; therefore, take my review with a grain of salt.

The first couple of chapters were really enjoyable. I found the art to be beautiful, the characters intriguing--at first--and I was interested in learning more about this universe. But then things got weird...

I felt like Gaiman did not do a great job of fleshing out why many of the Eternals lost their memories. He also moved way too fast in sharing their origin story. I think the novel would have been better if Gaiman took his time and maybe created more chapters.

Another big miss for me was the villain(s) situation. I cannot help but compare The Eternals to Spiderman 3. We had too many bad guys, all with very different motives. The story would have been better if the attention was focused on only one villain.