A review by alreadspurpleprose
The Wicked + The Divine: Book One by Kieron Gillen



The Wicked + The Divine is a graphic-novel series about gods in a world where they are celebrities and their fame and lives are fleeting.

I have been aware of this series since my friend lent me volume one way back in 2017 but it took me until this year to sit down and really get into it with this deluxe year one edition. Vibrant, dark, full of twists and turns and unapologetically Queer, this has all the things I look for in a comic (or in any form of media to be honest). And anything about ancient gods in the modern world just gets me irrevocably excited so this was a blast to read. My one issue with this is that there was A LOT going on and lots of character to keep track of which is more difficult to read in comic format than say, a novel where you have more time to establish everyone. However the main characters like Laura, Cassandra and even Lucifer were very well established and as this is an on-going series there is room to develop and better establish the rest.

I'm very much looking forward to moving onto Year Two.