A review by dliterate
The Women Could Fly by Megan Giddings


I've started this review over a few times because each time it ended up coming across as a laundry list of issues I have with the book that culminates in me declaring that I enjoyed it anyway. And I don't think that's really doing the book justice.

I do think that the world building in The Women Could Fly is a bit threadbare, to the point that there are some definite holes. And I reckon that a number of characters could have done with some further fleshing out in order to make them feel more real (like Preston, even though I'm also declaring myself Team #justiceforpreston. IYKYK).

What I think ultimately smooths these issues over for me, though, is a well-developed main character who shows some personal growth over the course of the story, and the relationship that exists between her and her best friend. Josephine and Angie felt like real people with a real friendship. Their scenes together stood out for me, and the parallels between their experiences of dual oppressions was mostly handled pretty well, even if I remain a little unclear exactly what the state of play was as far as LGBTIQA+ people are concerned.

I'd be interested in experiencing more stories in this world and having the opportunity to learn more about it.

*E.g. Who can do magic? We're told both men and women can, but only women are regulated. Yet we're also told of examples of gay men being punished for it. You could say that's because gay men are considered feminised, but if that's the case, then wouldn't queer women be seen as too masculine to do magic? Instead, being a queer woman also seems to be treated as a sign that someone is a witch. And if men in general can do magic, why does it seem to be so rare?