A review by eesh25
Pretties by Scott Westerfeld


I was disappointed by this book.

In the beginning and about 3 quarters through, I was just a little disappointed. By the end, I was very disappointed. Enough that I'm not going to be finishing the series. And here are th reasons why:

1. The Pace: The pace of the book was slow. The thing that was supposed to happen during the first quarter didn't happen until the last quarter. It was too filler-y. I was going to say that this book was like a bridge that you had to cross to get from one island to the other, from Uglies to Specials, that is. But then I realized that I didn't want to go to the other island. So basically, I crossed the bridge for no reason.

2. The repetitiveness: The first time Tally fell some high place was new and cool. The first time she got caught or changes or even excaped was the same way. But if the same things keep happening over and over again, it gets annoying. Meaning
SpoilerTally turning Pretty was a nice twist, her turning Special is just recycled. Repetitive.

3. The Romance: I didn't like the whole Zane thing. I don't hate Zane (I tried to, though) because he's a decent guy, but I don't like the relationship focus. And I hate love triangles. So there's that.

Other than these major things, I also got annoyed with the word "bubbly" by the end. I didn't necessarily mind it in the beginning, but it got tiring, like a lot of ther things in the series.

I wanna say that I like Tally, she's a good character and I like seeing her journey and her perpective, but not enough to continue with the series. She's a cool character, but she's not exactly Percy Jackson (which means that if there was a book about her watching grass grow, I wouldn't read it.)

Finally, I wanted to add that this was not a bad book. It was a good book (hence the 3 stars) but I didn't like it. A lot of the things that happened pissed me off and I hated the ending. But just because it wasn't for me, doesn't mean it's not for anyone else.

And for that reason, I still do recommend the series. The first book, at least, was very good.