A review by katykelly
Seven Kinds of People You Find in Bookshops by Shaun Bythell


Not a full-length exposé but an amusing case study of bookshop 'types'.

It'll probably annoy a few that see themselves in Shaun's lists, but really this is a light-hearted chuckle, exposing the stereotypes of the typical bookshop visitors, from the tutters and those haggling over prices to the exhausted parents trying to get a moment to themselves, with an embarrassed secret-erotic reader thrown in there for good measure.

Split into subsections with literary Latin titles, it's smile-inducing and wryly funny. As a library worker, I can relate to a lot of the categories. But hopefully not see myself in any of them!

Enjoyed listening to this, an easy and short listen that usefully set itself into chunks and was very easy to follow. A chatty tone suited the audiobook.

I also liked hearing snippets about the author, who now has a young family, and little clues about how the world of the bookshop is doing in the last couple of years. Nice to hear that Bythell isn't averse to lampooning his own staff too - I trust they got their own back at some point!

Pleasant way to spend a few hours. I look forward to a longer volume next time as we delve back into the shop shelves.

With thanks to Nudge Books for providing a sample Audible copy.