A review by merlin_reads
Hitched by Ruthie Knox


 In Roman Holiday 1: Chained we met our main characters Ashley and Roman. In Roman Holiday 2: Hitched we set off on a road trip with them through Florida up to the swamplands of Georgia. This being a serialized novel, we are getting little glimpses of each person as the series continues. The pace is very realistic and refreshing that there wasn’t insta-love that often appears in most romance novels.

I find Roman to be the most intriguing character of the two. He’s so quiet and controlled that you just know something happened in his past to make him this way. There are times when his put-together façade comes extremely close to crumbling, but he’s always managed to reign it back in (so far). He is showing some insane amount of patience with Ashley, who doesn’t even tell him where he’s taking her – just that it’s a drive.

Ashley…is interesting? Parts of her I love – her sassiness, how she won’t back down from what she believes in. But then there’s other parts that are starting to make me cringe a little. I am very curious as to how the author is going to put these two together. Right now, they tolerate each other for a separate goal but you can definitely feel the underlying attraction there.

Another solid installment and I look forward to the next one.

I received an e-copy of this novel from the publisher for my honest opinion and review via Netgalley.