A review by jackiestone
Cricket by Willow Hadley


I enjoyed this book. However, it was kinda cringey sometimes, and fell victim to YA tropes. The most in-your face being the “I’m not like other girls” trope. I cannot count how many times the guys were like, “you’re not like other girls. You eat food. Other girls DON’T like cheeseburgers. Oh my god, you eat SO MUCH, how do u have that incredibly skinny waist.” I don’t know man. It’s tired.

However, I actually really liked Cricket as a character. It’s not often that you have a female YA lead that is secure in her sexuality. Unlike so many other books, this female was not some delicate, pure virgin-flower. She knows what she wants. I appreciated that.

My last gripe with the book; it was incrediblyyyyy slow. Nothing happened throughout the entire book. And everything took place within a couple days. I just spent the entire time like… ok. So… when’s she gonna turn 18?