A review by acelebrationofbooks
The Lost Lights of St Kilda by Elisabeth Gifford


This book is the very definition of beautifully crafted fiction. Throughout the novel, Elisabeth Gifford’s writing transports you miles and years away from wherever you are now to the lives of Chrissie and Fred on St Kilda and beyond.
A tiny island in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, St Kilda, cut off from the mainland for many months in the winter, exists frozen in time. The St Kildans are a culture like no other in 1920s Britain and their way of life and the beauty of the island are so intensely and thoughtfully depicted in this book. We follow the beautiful love story of Chrissie and Fred and it serves as a beautiful reminder as to how love transcends all boundaries.
If you’re looking for a book with the power to whisk you away to another place during quarantine, this is it. The storyline is beautifully simple and heartwarming, leaving so much room for beautiful description.
Elisabeth Gifford has managed to sensitively capture the very essence of a time and place long lost to us and this novel will cause you to hold them close to your heart.
Thank you so much to @readersfirst for sending this copy my way!