A review by invaderday
Cinnamon and Cigarettes by Samantha Kate


so like the concept for this is my jam: lady librarian and lady pilot fall in love, that's dope and i loved it!! however i just really hate the trope of one half of a couple being out and the other being closested, and the out one making the closeted one feel bad for choosing not to tell their family or whatever like i'm sorry i just honestly hate that and i can't ever see it being justified in a healthy relationship. everyone seemed to kind of demonize sara for not wanting to come out to her parents which was kinda messed up imo like yeah she's an adult and her parents are assholes so who cares what they think but it's also like... even her coworkers seemed to blame her for lying to her family. like damn.
pretty sure moira made a biphobic comment at one point that was just kind of...brushed aside...
like the first half was definitely pretty cute but there was a lot of angst in there which was a little much for me. happy ending tho.